Monday, July 30, 2007

Playing God

I'm not gonna talk about genetic engineering and gene therapy or about the politics and law makers invading our privacy and peace. I save you that trouble. This is something about the game I play . Some call it as people watching and I'm not gonna take the credit from them but I have my own rules for this game. I love this game and I wish everybody would play it. Its very simple and easy . All you need is a group of people . People you have never met before makes it a lot more interesting. You will be the GOD to these total strangers. Play it any where you want . My favourite place and time is during my metro train rides. Rules are very strict but again are very simple. Like every other game there are some DO's and DONT's . Let start with DONT's . In this game god is not allowed to judge neither pass judgements. No stereotypes based on color, community , language or caste. Watching, Listening , Predicting , Assuming and Imagining are allowed. Every individual has to be treated uniquely. And yes you have to have a very pleasant and smiling face during the course of game otherwise your creations may think you are psycho for staring them at a train and psycho is not a very popular vernacular for GOD though quite a few people would agree with it .

OK now before anybody thinks or rather judge me as a psycho I would tell you what made me play this game. It was few years back when I lost the connection with GOD. I come from a country where 33 million native gods and some foreign gods are getting along more or less peacefully ruling 10 billion people. But during my travel to Middle east, South east Asia, Europe and America where there are very few gods and comparatively very less people having all sorts of problems. The core of the problem is not GOD but his/her religion. When a religion is gaining power over GOD even GOD becomes helpless. I see people who believed in GOD don't believe in themselves . I like the word faith over religion and faith is belief and if one doesn't believe in himself what else he/she could believe ? I made the judgement that there is no one called The ONE. Undoubtedly I was wrong . I was just searching at the wrong place.

Playing GOD helped me to find The ONE in every one. Now I could understand how unique am I and that every one else is. I used to be very afraid of people now I can connect to my people. They are my creation why should I be afraid. I try my best to be honest to the rules what I made . I don't need a religion . All I needed was a train ride , myself and few of my creations.

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