Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Waiting for the world to change

It was a beautiful Sunday morning when my sleep break . No I was not in coma , but sure felt like one after a long Saturday night. I Dragged myself to the couch in the living room stumbling and searching for my friend . Hell yeah I was looking for the remote . Through the glass sliding doors on my patio I could see the brightest star declaring that morning as a sunny day. As I was enjoying the view my vision was blocked by an object in my patio . what is it ? . I remember that it was my mountain bike I bought few months ago .

I turned around and started watching TV . But it wasn't long when I heard a strange voice . I started looking around and there was no one else other than me and my friend remote . I ignored but I started hearing it again . This time it was clear and it was coming from my patio . It was a question, What are you waiting for ? . I realized it was my mountain bike . I had a choice to make .

Few minutes later I was having a great time powering my bike through the dirt and small streams of water on the trails . Wind was gushing through my body trying to slow me down.After two hours I was back at my couch soaked in sweat , but I thanked my new friend for asking me the most important question . What are you waiting for ? . In that particular moment I realized how many times I have ignored this question ? Or did I have some excuse as answer.

I vaguely remembered the first time . It was my dad who asked me this question when I was doing pretty much nothing after my graduation . What are you waiting for , son ? "Waiting for a job". Then there was a lot of them . I'm waiting to have enough money . I'm waiting for the girl of my dreams and I'm waiting for that dream. I'm waiting for my luck. I'm waiting for a good politician . I'm waiting for the system to change . I'm waiting for my time , I'm waiting for a sign, I'm waiting for the moment. I realize , I'm waiting for the world to change.