Friday, June 1, 2007

A better man

"My daddy strongest", How many of you remember that advertisement from Dabur. I loved it. As kids we all have argued whose daddy is strongest and we never gave up on our dads even if you got your ass whipped the very same morning for killing a gold fish in the fish tank. For the record my brother did that. Well this blog is for my dad. I'm still ready to argue "My daddy strongest" and any one who doesn't agree post a comment. He must be 64 now that's my guess. I don't know his age and I don't want to know . He is still young . Nothing makes him happier than people telling him that he looks like an elder brother to my elder brother and they are true. Poor brother always had to hear that . Soon I guess it would be my turn. Nothing would make me happier.

I have my respect to all those dad's who dedicate every moment of their life for the family and my dad was no exception to that . He did his responsibilities like every other dad. But what makes "My daddy strongest" is he made his kids responsible of their responsibilities. I have seen some of them parents who failed miserably and they don't have an idea what did they do wrong . My dad came out with flying colours . He may not be the only one but for me he is the one and I'm proud the way he did that.

He was not the dad who sat with me to help with my homework but he was the one who sat with me and spoke about sex, lies , marriage , morals , life and world. He never came to a parent teacher association meeting but he sat with me and shared his Johnny walker on the rocks and taught me smoking is injurious to health while he was a chain smoker. He was not the dad who takes off from work to watch me playing soccer but he was the kind who to took a painful job miles away separated from his family to pay for my soccer shoes. He was not the one who taught me ride bicycles but he definitely gave me the courage to learn it myself.

There are situations in life which separates men from boys and then there are situations where you have to more than just a man . My dad is a Best man, Handy man , Candy man and some times an Invisible man . There's best then there are better and my dad is A Better Man.

1 comment:

Anu said...

Very nice article...U r lucky to have such a the way i'm ramya's classmate in NICE.